Bald people are more likely infected with the Corona Virus

In the case of Bald Man, there is a possibility of a severe Corona Virus. According to the researchers, in most cases, Covid 19 positive was found in bald people. However, the doctors think that there is a need for more research in this regard. In this case, doctors are advising to stop any kind of protein or supplement. 

Reported by JAAD (Journal of American Academy of Dermatology) research, The first U.S. physician to die of Covid-19 in the United States. Dr. Frank Gabrin was bald. The group of hormones which causes hair loss in men. They’ve determined androgens are linked to severe cases of Covid-19 and suggest their discovery could be called the “Gabrin Sign,” 

Dr. Carlos Wambier said, “We think androgens or male hormones are definitely the gateway for the virus to enter our cells. We really think baldness is a perfect predictor of severity.”

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